Monday, November 26, 2007

Maple Mountain Loop Jun 27-Jul 2

- On top of Maple Mountain, the second highest point in Ontario! It was a overcast and gloomy day, but as we posed infront of the firetower, the cloud broke enough to give the sky some colour. I suggested climbing the firetower, but Marylou would not hear it. Been up there and its a little daunting - the tower sways up there in the wind!

Happy Belated Canada's Day! Sorry, we were away and well, you probably already know. We snuck out paddling! This time we headed to Temagami so Marylou could experience Maple Mt before wide-spread clear-cutting begins (unfortunate) and ruins the scenery from the top. I had done a similar trip with a bunch of guys years ago and had such a good time that I couldn't keep the experience from her any longer so we packed and away we went!

- Two maps are not always helpful, especially when they don't agree. This time, I picked the wrong one to follow! There was a portage around a shallow rocky rapid that I decided to line since I thought it was short (or so I thought), but it continued further on where there was less water. I can still hear it - "I told you so!"

We started at Mowatt Landing, up the Montreal river, down a chain of lakes to Tupper Lk where we hiked up Maple Mt (second highest pt in Ontario) and headed back out to Lady Evelyn lake where we went through another chain of lakes (Sugar Lake CR) and back up the Montreal river to the vehicle. Surprisingly, we didn't really see too many people until we got back to Lady Evelyn, seeing that this is a very popular route.

- Morning of the second day on Mendelssohn Lake, ready to leave. It was windy, (as you can see some whitecaps) but it was okay since we were right around the corner from our next portage. It was a long hard push from Mowatt Landing yesterday as we arrived here last night at 21:30, just as it was getting dark. The outfitter told us we may not make it.

The bugs were fairly bad, mainly black flies and mosquitoes. The weather wasn't co-operative either - constant rain then sun, then rain then sun - literally minutes passed with each change in the weather front. Some of the portages were rough and tough, - boggy and rocky, as well there was some long tough days of hard paddle against the wind. But despite it all, Marylou (not me, I didn't coerce her!) even admitted she really had an amazing time out there. She even had a "panic" moment near the peak of Maple Mt, (she's not keen on heights) but she composed herself, and mentally overcame her fear and got down fine! (very proud of her!) So when she admitted she had a hard time leaving, it was reassuring to know that despite the route I chose, she had a great time!

- Maple Mt's "Hillary Step" - an almost straight vertical climb (panic attack ahead!) up about 15-20 feet. Marylou almost made it to the top before having her "moment" when she realized she was so high. I thought she was going to give up, but she got over her fear and we did have a nice time at the top. I guess for those who are also scared of heights know exactly what she was going through.

Sometimes I know people wonder why we do challenging trips, but really, in the end, I believe its like life. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it. I've always felt that, and I know Marylou experienced that as well. (not always..., but most times) With the rain and sun we also saw a record 6 rainbows! One literally bent around us!!! I'm serious! It was sunny and all of a sudden rain starting falling, the wind picked up, the waves were rocking the canoe as we paddled to shore and right before us was this amazing rainbow. I've never seen one where you can see where it begins and ends, but we did! I felt like I could touch it! (and believe me, there weren't no "Pot of Gold" at either ends!) I just wished I could have got a picture of it!

- A rainbow on Lady Evelyn Lake. One of 6 we saw on this trip! I've never seen so many in such a short span of time! Where was the Pot of Gold when I could have used one!

Portages were fun. Those of you that have been to Temagami are well aware of the messy portages. I was way ahead of Marylou and I stepped into what I thought was "firm" ground and in I went up to my knees. To keep my balance I had to step right next to my other foot and then they were both in. I tossed my canoe off and tried in vain to get my feet out. One finally came out, but I didn't have a firm place to put my other foot to leverage my other leg out. Heaving and straining only got my foot halfway out of my shoe! I quickly put my foot back in because I wasn't leaving without it. Long story short, I finally got it out, but I was a mess. Lucky I got out just as Marylou came into sight, because if it was me, I would have taken the picture first, then pulled her out!

- Dramatic sunset on Lady Evelyn. Doesn't matter how many you see, they are never the same and you never get tired of them.

One last thing, Temagami has recently been charging camp fees, which is a good thing in some ways, but a pain in the other. When I found out there was only 2 park wardens, I wondered how they were going to check whether people had permits or not, let alone look after the vast area. Well, the one night we were on Lady Evelyn, we heard a motorboat land at our site in the morning. We were still in our tents sleeping in a bit and wondered who it was, when I had to scramble out and dress as the park warden wanted to see our camp permit. I guess its easy for them to check the most popular and easily accessible sites with their motor boat, but I wonder if they head into the interior? If they do, I just might get another wake up call, except this time it will be silently. Hope I'm just not sleeping in!

- Amazing campsite on our last night on the Montreal river. The only negative is the boat traffic that passes early in the morning and in the evening. (I'm talking fishermen in motorboats!) Other than that, the quiet moments in the narrows was memorable.

Well, enough babbling...hope everyone is having a great summer! July is a dud for me in terms of canoeing. I think I going into depression. I better check into rehab!
Ciao everyone!

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